Monday, December 6, 2010

Food Tradition

            My family has a lot of food traditions that we do each year for all different occasions. We have traditions for things ranging from Christmas dinners to yearly camping meals.  In my family we have a lot of traditions that have continuously spread from generation to generation but are very common in most families. For example, some traditions we have are making Christmas cookies for Santa, eating turkey on Thanksgiving Day, etc. These traditions are ones that I will always cherish, but the food traditions I remember most are from our yearly family vacation. Every year, my family goes camping in Nevis, Minnesota. We have been going there since I was little, and ever since I’ve been going there we do the same activities, go to the same places, and eat mostly the same meals.
 The most important meal of the week that everyone cannot wait to have is the Hobo dinners. We start the day out the same every year.  Starting with, a couple of hours relaxing on the beach until a little after lunch time. Then, the kids all go rollerblading or biking on the biking trail to our favorite ice cream shop in town. On our way home we have to make a stop to go bridge jumping. Everyone that didn’t go with us to the ice cream shop meets us at the bridge. Mostly everyone jumps or takes pictures and videos of the bridge jumping. Not only is this entire day one of my favorite memories but the meal of the night makes it so much better.  Ever since I was little, I can remember always being so excited for this meal and helping out in the making of it.  We had hobo dinners only once a year and that was during camping. If you’re unsure of what a Hobo dinner is, its meat, potatoes, and veggies cooked in aluminum foil over the campfire. This meal has always been the most popular meal of the week.  We all have a job to do in the process of making dinner. One person needs to take the orders of what kind of meat everyone would like. Someone cuts up the veggies, another cuts the potatoes, dad takes care of the meat, and lastly someone wraps them all up in aluminum foil ready for the fire. I personally, always help out with whatever is needed. Things like, helping with the veggies, washing the dishes after the meal, or just helping bring the food to everyone.
I find this meal so special because all of our family and friends are with us in the process. It’s not only just the food that I enjoy so much it’s the time we have to be together. We all eat our dinner around the fire talking and gazing at the lake. The entire process is so memorable for me along with the experience I have when I’m there. I get excited to go back every year for just this feeling. 

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